Friday, December 31, 2010
My New Year Resolution for 2011
I promise to come back from work before Seven,
I promise I will use very less oil while cooking,
Will look for offers on movie ticket while booking,
Will brush my teeth, before I logon to Facebook,
Will try to see beyond an Indian girl’s pretty look,
I’ll tell my wife, the truth, if she has put on weight,
I’ll try to keep my time, and will not make her wait,
Will try to limit posts and replies to <25 per week
On Google Buzz, and will be a courteous critique,
At work, will try to keep shut, when idiots speak,
Will walk out with a reason, or will simply sneak,
Will try to make sense on status, I put on my Wall,
I will ensure, I respond or address every single call,
Will try to stop, going by brands on every purchase,
Will track expenses, in my bank account, on CHASE,
Will not buy /sell stocks, at my own will and wish,
Will keep the house neat, everyday wash my dish,
Will try reduce my waist from 33, and make it 30,
Will have much less rice, will try Sandwich or Roti,
Will buy only the things that I need for my house,
Will clean my soft toys, Mickey and Minnie mouse,
At work will not lie, more than 5 times per week,
Will stop buying anything, because I love antique,
Will not spend more than $50 to any girl per visit
To any dance club, to control my financial deficit,
Will try to reduce my monthly heat and gas bills,
Will have one glass of Coke, without other refills,
Will polish my shoes, once in three or four days,
Will try not to complain about what Infosys pays,
Will buy one nice suit and one classy shirt in white,
I won’t take comments personal, will take it light,
Will try not to clear friends too often from FB list,
Will try not to wear a cracked watch on my wrist,
Will try not to pretend much, will try to be simple,
Will see if I can go every month, to some temple,
Will separate recycle from non-recyclable trash,
Will try to address with diplomacy, on any clash,
Will go to casinoes quarterly, to meet expenses,
Will quit the game on time, and use my senses,
Will try to control my expenses, than my savings,
Will try to reduce parties, miscellaneous cravings,
Well, let’s see, if I can live up to all things just said,
Else for 2012 all action items will be marked in RED !
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
ஒரு சின்ன அலசல் ... அலம்பல் ....
THALAIVAR : டேய், ஜெயிப்போமா ன்னு சொல்லாதீங்க வெல்லுவோமா ன்னு கேளுங்க ஏன்னா அதுல " ஜெய் " இருக்கு...இல்ல ?
THONDAN : வர election க்கு என்ன வாக்குறுதி தர போறோம் ?
THALAIVAR :புதுசா TASPEC ஆரம்பிக்க போறோமே .. அதுவே பெரிய அடி தான் ..
THONDAN : ஐயா , அடி ன்னா நல்லது இல்லீங்களே ...
THALAIVAR :அட, சூரியன் ல வெந்த வெள்ளரி பிஞ்சே ... அடி ன்னா " ஹிட் " டா !
THONDAN : என்ன ஐயா இருக்கு..... இதுல புதுசா ?
THALAIVAR :அப்டி கேளுடா சூரியனுக்கு பொறந்த சூரா குட்டி ....
THALAIVAR :கார் பைக் இல்லாத வங்களுக்கு ரூபா 1 / ஒரு லிட்டர் பெட்ரோல் ....அவங்களுக்கு இலவச பைக் தர போறோம் ..
இதுல நெரிய சலுகைகள் இருக்கு.
* நம்ம கட்சி சார்ந்த வங்களுக்கும் , அவங்க உற்றார் உறவினருக்கும் இது செல்லும்..
* மாறவே மாறாத குலமான " மாறன் " .. ன்னு முடியர பேர் உள்ளவங்களுக்கும் ..
அதாவது .. நெடுமாறன் , சுகுமாறன், பழனிமாரன், ... இப்படியாக
* எல்லார் வீட்லயும் அம்மா இருந்தாலும் , ஐயான்னு தான் அம்மா வ கூப்டனும் ...
* எல்லார் வீட்லயும் DAUGHTER இருந்தாலும் , சன் [ SON , SUN ] ன்னு தான் வளக்கணும் ...
* வீட்ல " சைடு டிஷ் " பண்றாங்களோ இல்லையோ ... SUN DISH இருந்தா அவங்களுக்கும் ...
* வீட்டுக்கு மேலே , கீழ , சைடு ல, left ல, ரைட் ல , எல்லா எடத்துலயும் சூரியன் படுற மாதிரி வீடு இருந்தா அவங்களுக்கும் ....
* ஜனங்களோட பேர் ல kamsUN , SamSUN , Roger SUN , மைகேல் JackSUN ... இது எல்லாமே தமிழ் பெயர் தான் ....அவங்களுக்கும் ...
* எல்லார்க்கும் இனிமே இலவச DRIVING LI "சன் "SE !
* இனிமே எல்லாத்துலயும் AGMARK இல்ல வெறும் SUN MARK தான் !
* அம்மா ன்னு கூப்டுற எல்லா மாட்டுக்கும் ஆபரேஷன் பண்ணி ஐயா ன்னு கூப்ட வெக்கணும் !
THALAIVAR :வண்டி இருக்கற வங்களுக்கு .. பெட்ரோல் ரூபா 99 . 99 / லிட்டர் ...
நம்ம SUN NETWORK பங்க் ல பெட்ரோல் போடுறவங்களுக்கு தனி சலுகை ...
அதாவது 150 % கலப்படம் ...
99 . 99 ரூபா க்கு .. பெட்ரோல் ல தண்ணி , பசும் பால், மோர் , தயிர் , பாதாம் க்கிர் , வெண்ணை , நெய் , kerosene , பினாயில் எல்லாம் கிடைக்கும் ....
THALAIVAR : நம்ம பெட்ரோல் ல என்ன விசேஷம் ன்னா .... பெட்ரோல் TANK லேர்ந்து வண்டிக்கு பெட்ரோல் போறதுக்கு உள்ள EVAPORATE ஆயிடும்.. அவ்ளோ சுத்தம் !!!
THONDAN : ஐயா , ஒரு சின்ன விண்ணப்பம் ...
சொல்லுடா ... சூரியன் ல வெந்த சுண்டெலி ...
THONDAN : நம்ம ஆட்ச்சிக்கு வந்தா ... இங்கிலீஷ் ல சொல்லுவாங்களே " EVERYDAY IS NOT SUNDAY " ன்னு.. அதா மாத்திடுவோம் யா..
THONDAN : நம்ம மறுபடியும் வந்தா " EVERYDAY IS SUNDAY " ஆகும்..
SUNDAY -- தி
SUNDAY -- மு
SUNDAY -- ஸ்
SUNDAY -- டா
SUNDAY -- லி
SUNDAY -- ன்
THALAIVAR :நீ தான் டா என்னோட உயிர் தொண்டன் ...
THONDAN : எல்லாம் சரிங்க ஐயா ... தமிழ் தமிழ் ன்னு சொல்றீங்க .... ஆனா SUN TV ன்னு இல்ல பேர் இருக்கு ..
THALAIVAR :அட ... சூரியனுக்கு கீழ வேகுற சவுக்கு மரமே ..
SUN டிவி.. adhaavadhu SON டிவி.... எனக்கு அப்புறம் என் பையன் வருவான் .. அதுக்கு அப்ரும் அவன் பையன் வருவான் .. அவனுக்கு அப்புறம் அவனோட பையன் வருவான்.
THALAIVAR :ஆனா.. வெத நான் போட்டது ... புரியுதா ???!!!
THALAIVAR :டேய், சூரியன நக்கின சப்பாணி .. உனக்கு தெரியாது டா.. ரஜினி நம்ம கட்சி தான்.. எப்பவுமே..
THONDAN : எப்டி ஐயா ?
THALAIVAR :அடேய் ....சன் டிவி க்கு பொறந்த சந்தேக பிறவி ....அட .. அவருக்கு அட மொழி என்ன ?
THONDAN : ஹ்ம்ம்ம்.... " சூப்பர் ஸ்டார் " !!
THALAIVAR :தமிழ் ல சொல்லு ..
THONDAN : பிரமாதமான நட்ச்சத்திரம் ...
THALAIVAR :அறிவியல் படி சூரியனும் ஒரு நட்ச்சத்திரம் தானே ?
THALAIVAR :அப்ப அவரும் சூரியனுக்கு சொந்தம் தானே டா...???
THALAIVAR :அது மட்டும்......... இல்ல நடிகர் விஜய் கூட நம்ம கட்சி தான்..
THONDAN : அது எப்டிங்க.. நீங்க தான் அவர் படம் மொக்க ன்னு சொல்றீங்களே.
THALAIVAR :அட அது அவன் கல்யாணம் பண்ணிகிட்ட புதுசுல டா ... இப்போ அவன் நம்ம ஆளு ...
THONDAN : புரியலையே...
THALAIVAR :டேய் ... விஜய் க்கு SON [ SUN ] தான்.. daughter இல்லியே ! அப்ப அவன் தானே டா வாரிசு ?
THONDAN : பிரமாதம் ஐயா .....!
THONDAN : இவ்ளோ பேசுறீங்க ஆனா கட்சி பேர் மட்டும்
THONDAN : திராவிட முன்னேற்ற கழகம் ன்னு இருக்கே..
THALAIVAR :தம்பி ... உன் உச்சி மண்டையில .. சூரியனோட வெப்பம் விழ...
THALAIVAR :தி மு க ... அப்டின்னா ... தி-ரும்பவும் .. மு . க-ருணாநிதி ன்னு அர்த்தம் டா... !!!
THONDAN : ஐ...... சபாஸ் !!!!!
வெல்க தமிழ் !!!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
She needed it more... than me !
I ain’t that good, so I can’t sing,
I have my words, that can talk,
I would love, for that small walk !
I would never wanna hurt you,
I would best try to be me, true,
I ain’t one jerk, one on facebook,
I lost myself on that very first look !
I may sound crazy, crazy as ever,
I cannot lie, I simpy can’t, never,
I’d like to see that smile on you,
I see a picture, I don’t get a clue !
I may sound dumb, not so smart,
I have to play, just my own part,
I must tell you, you are, so nice,
I personally, hate to tell all lies !
I would fly from here, to see you,
I’d cause no trouble, I swear, true,
I held myself back, for all of you,
I’d dress best, if you prefer blue!
I know it is so hard, to trust one,
I am my parent’s only third son,
I mean no harm, nor any trouble,
If you say yes, am on the double !
I wish, I could just see you smile,
I wish, I could come all that mile,
I know, it’s a cruel, world there,
I can do right things, I can dare!
I wish, you were on my friend list,
I wish, you come out of the mist,
I am just fine, if you want to shout,
I’d all game, to clear your doubt,
I’d be really glad, to see you once,
I can take a bullet from your guns,
I just need one, just once chance,
I wish to have, to show my stance,
I am naughty, but not all that bad,
I am really sorry, if you are so sad,
I am sure, you got my every clue,
I wish to talk, between me and you !
Sunday, August 22, 2010
..... its got to end..
Of course, am not out with beard,
It did throw me down, from the top,
Good, I did nothing, to attract the cop,
Life now here has been just plain,
Nothing in life, seems prime or main,
In the streets of New York, with a coke,
Everything seemed like one practical joke,
Have just tried hard to come over it,
I could rest myself being so very unfit,
Well, it should’ve not end, never this way,
All I’ve been doing is walk and simply stray,
Life goes on and on, and must move,
I’ve nothing left in me nothing to prove,
Cannot sit and cry, simply over my losses,
Even it looks my own blood kitchen sauces,
Everything I munch, every that I eat,
Everything’s lost its taste, not so sweet,
Life is just around the corner, and move on,
Its been quite a while, I haven’t seen the dawn,
I thought I was never this so weak,
I thought I was invincible and unique,
Never thought it might go wrong this way,
There has been nights, not even one nice day,
I can neither speak, not tell anyone,
All is now, said and is extremely done,
Its no longer a decision, taken by the two,
She refuses, and I am dumb to take any clue,
They say time will be the good healer,
This rips my heart out slowly like a peeler,
She wouldn’t agree, she would want to stay,
It can be this way, today and every other day,
I cannot pretend to be her good friend,
One small heart , does not run with trend,
And Yet so very stupid, yet so very unpractical,
Life cannot be so very cruel, and it cannot be dull,
How do I tell her, that I have loved her,
How do I tell her, I am a fool, lost in a slur,
How do I tell her, I cannot move on, another,
How do I tell her, or even tell her brother ?
I’d rather be hanged, a few seconds to go,
Close my eyes and think, and I cannot let go,
The rope around my neck, tightening so faster,
Release me from this pain, sooner, my master….
It’s has to be good for one, and just one,
I cannot do it again, for I loved, yet had fun,
There was nothing for me to hide, believe me,
I would have told you, why would I hide it, honey?
Well, its gone ahead, way ahead, for now,
Words like honesty, faith, love, don’t fit now,
I wish, you find your right man, in days to come,
I also pray, this doesn’t happen, will remain numb,
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Just over a message, not even one call,
Never be ready, never ever be the one,
Well, much harder than under the sun,
Life goes on., and on, and finally gone,
Am I responsible for where I was born?
Could hide an anger, could hide am sad,
Of course, am not an angel, I can be bad,
Silence, is all that I hear loud and clear,
Far away from the ones that love, dear,
So many around, yet feeling so lonely,
Prince by name, and just by name only,
It cost more than my time and money,
And everything ends like so very funny,
What should I do, just pretend am okay?
It was all thorny roses, one big bouquet,
No one to blame , not even one of me,
No one even wants me, to what I can be,
Well, that’s for later, but here is more,
They said, I’m sorry, showed me the door,
Are rejections good, or they are all bad,
Do they at all test you, or make you glad,
Realized its not good to be just too nice,
Bridegrooms chosen over one roll of dice,
Why would you even ask for reasons, why ?
Why would you even whimper and do sigh?
If it is a No, then why would you even wait,
All that remained of you, was a strong bait,
Don’t be yourself, no one ever even likes,
Everyone adores the ones, that often lies,
Never be the first one, to accept a failure,
No one ever appreciate a personal allure,
Well, I gotta go and live and let live, them,
Nothing to blame you, princess, My mam,
People chose what they want, they love,
Can’t force a horse to drink, let alone a cow,
More said than done, than happiness lived,
Never exhibited signs of being contrived,
Things seemed like a dream, just so very true,
Was there nothing, between me and you ?
Monday, August 16, 2010
Just another... Sunday !
Why at all worry about some age old Bapu ?
I have my everyday life to live and survive,
I am glad, I have enough money, I am alive,
I have to go on a date today with some dame,
Does it matter, even if I dont't know her name,
I have to give a party to my friends in a while,
And , I don’t mind driving a five hundred mile,
You and I, really don’t have anything to do,
And of course, we just don’t have to be true,
I see her, the posters, all of Ms. Sushmita Sen,
Do I even know this person, Mr. Amartya Sen ?
The country, so big, yet so small deep within,
Hardly, I raise my voice for the right from chin,
Nehru, Ambedkar, Sashtri, exist only in papers,
All those struggles gone out, like liquid vapors,
Of course, it is not your fault, my young man,
You have much trouble with FB and your LAN,
I have to go and listen to the inspirational song,
On You Tube, Emails, FB, Twitter, all day long,
Forward them to a few, and forget tomorrow,
Of course, my heart is just too light and hollow,
Why will I ever cast my vote, such a long queue,
I’ve to make a movie reservation now, for two,
Abdul Kalam, was just another a Nth president,
Why even worry about the tortures underwent,
Many died, so many killed, for so many that lived,
For all that was restored for me, and just revived,
Mahatma recollected by me, only 3 times a year,
30th Jan, 2nd October and 15th August, I am clear,
On Sony Max, Star, Doordharshan and the others,
Who cares about our fellow sisters and brothers,
But, all that I care is that the chocolate they give,
And next day, I forget all and I have to go and live,
The Flag hoisted and brought down, by the evening,
The National Anthem! I’m shy, Can I hum, not sing ?
Enrique, Himesh, Jai Ho, Rehman, I can sing loud,
And I love all of Trey, Ne-Yo, Rangeela, and Daud,
What is my National Game ? My National Flower ?
Oh, come on, ask me about, Katrina Kaif’s ex-lover !
What is this pledge? I cannot even utter four lines,
Will tell you every dialogue from the movie, SIGNS,
India is a Sovereign, Socialist, Democratic, Republic,
Would've known if Big B had announced it to public !
I have to go lament about policies, and the politics,
I have to be out of my work place, right after six,
Over beer, talk, not be the one to bring the change,
Well, of course, for me it’s out of scope and range,
Oh ! I am so sorry, even you have to go now, right ?
Start discussing about latest movies and some fight ?
You will have lots to discuss, over one cup of coffee,
Your plans for lunch in the airport road, in The Sufi !
All those lives in sorrow gone, for your life today,
Live your life young man and women, all fun, play,
It’s neither my job nor my passion, to give you clue,
Be the judge, see if it matters between me and you !
New York....

A reply on admiration for Miss Alicia Keys,
I would definitely get down on my knees,
For her song on all the Streets of New York,
That will bring into you, joy withl full torque,
Every muscle inside will hurt, yet you’ll dance,
To this inspiring song, will draw to her all fans,
As you close your eyes, listen to these lines,
Even it will seem tasteless, the oldest wines,
This song that is sung, all from deep within,
Not one bit of a sound or sadness of violin,
The piano rolls and kisses every little finger,
Of Alicia Keys, that makes the great singer,
The music sings to her song, trouncing in shy,
This bright lit city, the Grand Central over sky,
If you can make it here, you can do that all,
New York rocks in summer, winter, and fall,
The streets of New York, will make you feel,
Brand new, she says and locks heart, to seal,
The poorer of the poor, The richer of the rich,
The music and the beats, will raise your pitch,
Why would anyone even buy a round trip ticket,
You get all fame, money, women, wine and beer,
You can live lavish, you can be good, you could,
No one says, hei, do it this way, yes, you should,
This is New York, this city is what is its made of,
It makes you cry, whimper, go crazy and laugh,
The last place on earth, you would want to be,
The best and the worst of things, you can see,
When it rains here, it washes off all of your sins,
The strongest that survives here, lives and wins,
This is a concrete jungle, she says and she prays,
This city is for all those, who spend all their days,
Playing around, jumping over traffic and cars,
Nights, on all clubs, pubs, restaurants and bars,
The city know who you are, and what you are,
You are never far away from Heaven, no so far,
This is New York, city, the beginning and end,
You will love it here, beg, borrow, bet, spend,
It changes your whole perception, as you walk,
It even changes the way, you walk, what you talk,
You would love this city, for that is nice and bad,
You will meet everyone here, happy and not glad,
This is New York, this city will bring the brand new,
From inside you, the city is all for me and …. You !
Sunday, August 8, 2010
The visit...
That is part of the search for one nice wife,
Not so very easy, and just not too greasy,
You cannot be that glib, yet not so fleecy,
You have to be yourself, in just that time,
Still you can’t afford to commit one crime,
You have to be so nice, yet be just so true,
Be just right, tell them, you have the clue,
Be one among them, yet try to be yourself,
Not a book helps, that sleeps in bookshelf,
Not one school text, teaches you all these,
You’ve to enjoy it all, even if they do tease,
You’ve to be so formal, yet be so normal,
Slight move of yours can turn, abnormal,
Don’t try smart words, and try to impress,
Be their kin, Hei, you aren’t playing chess!
Every first move, is fine and is accepted,
Every word you say, is finely intercepted,
As you keep moving, to all those players,
Oh come on, T’s not the time for prayers,
Oh, yes, I did have some nice time and fun,
‘Cause I wasn’t’ facing one fully loaded gun,
I did dodge some bullets, along that way,
That started from dawn, close to midday,
But, I liked be part of every question round,
It was so nice, to have everyone sit around,
The Queen of the hearts, simply demanded
But, all day, in the plane, was just stranded,
Celebrity life it was, all that I could exploit,
Breakfast in New York city, Lunch in Detroit,
Coffee in Milwaukee, and dinner in Chicago,
I was glad, it wasn’t winter, full of the snow !
Not one moment, I just felt tired, after that trip,
When you have people, with a smile on their lip,
Three stayed, all along, besides my request note,
Well, how should I thank them, gimme a quote !
Without a notice, two long days just passed soon,
On a Vacation, but my cell phone rang after noon,
Work ? Did I not tell them, not to give me a ring ?
I am sure, they traced me through google or bing!
Some smiles and handshakes, now at the airport,
Now to my desktop , for post production support,
I hope they liked me, and I hope I did not overdo,
I did all, just for a nice start, between me and you !
Thursday, July 8, 2010
American Dreams
Lands in this country, with H1B, L1, B1 through,
That comes here for life, wife, money or job,
That travels almost half way across the globe,
It would be a dream come true, for some,
Who longed for all those costly wine and rum,
That thought life here was all about fashion,
Leaving behind that you had, your own passion,
For boys, a few days of night life and clubs,
For ladies, fashion clothes and massage rubs,
The initial days of laughter, travel and fun,
All the games on skiing baseball , home run,
Finally, work eats all of your effort and time,
Going for a outing, will appear to be a crime,
No more, lengthy, more frequent tea breaks,
No one bothers about you, for Christ sakes,
You are all by yourself, in this free country,
You will be left like a solitary leaf on a dry tree,
You are answerable, to all clients and bosses,
You are solely responsible for gains and losses,
You can no longer take excuses, for tasks,
You have to answer every client, who asks,
You fake all that accent, that you really can’t,
Here at client place, you simply cannot rant,
You hair style changes, your choice changes,
Your clothes vary from indo, American ranges,
You try out a lot of things, which you would,
Otherwise not try in India, for your own good,
You walk alien, talk alien, and work different,
You respond to every email that was sent,
You just can’t afford to be away for a while,
You don’t even get to talk or wink or smile,
You want to listen to hip hop, techno or rock,
You tend to be awake, more than your clock,
You use words like soda, cookies and peanuts,
You try out roller coasters, with so many guts,
You would long for a long weekend, to come,
You will be glad about what you’ve become,
Dollars, dimes and transferring money2India,
Some live a quiet life, to save money, oh, Yeah,
Wherever you are and whatever you may do,
End of day, be honest to yourself, and true,
You can fake, pretend, lie, boast, or complain,
You can even flaunt about riding in the rain,
Don’t work for appreciation, just do your work,
Be loyal to yourself, work best for every perk,
Towards the end, if you can close your eyes,
For a convincing day of yours, that went nice,
My request, to all you young men and women,
Live your life, ladies, spend time with wife, men,
All that you need to do is , just try being true,
Life will remain beautiful, for all, even me and you!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Feelings.. expressed.
பக்குவமா கலச்சு வெச்சா,
சொக்க வெச்சா சொகுசுக்காரி,
வெளியில தான் வெக்க பட்டா,
துப்பாக்கி இல்லாம நெஞ்சுல
பதிச்சா, காதல்ங்கற தோட்டா,
நெருஞ்சி முள்ளு போல பதிச்சாலும்,
நெஞ்சுகுள்ள கொஞ்சம் வலிச்சாலும்,
அட ! நம்மாளு தானே ன்னு
விட்டுட்டேன், அடியேன் நான்,
செல்லமா சில நேரம் காத கடிச்சா,
மெல்ல மெல்ல நோகாம சாகடிச்சா,
ரெண்டு மனசு மட்டும் ஒத்து போச்சு
மூளை இப்போ சுத்தமா நின்னு போச்சு,
காத்து இருந்தாலும் கால் வலிக்கல,
நேரம் ஆனாலும் மனசு சலிக்கல,
விநாடி முள்ளு நின்னு போச்சு,
புது செருப்பு நடந்து தேஞ்சு போச்சு,
கடிகாரம் ஓட மறுத்து திட்டிச்சு,
டேய், எத்தன முறை தான் என்ன
பாத்து கிட்டு இருப்பன்னு விக்கிச்சு
அவளுக்கு என்ன ஆச்சோன்னு பதரிச்சு
பத்து மணிக்கு வரேன்னு சொன்னா,
மணி பன்னெண்டு இப்போ, கண்ணா,
மணி இப்போ... ரெண்டு நாப்பது,
இன்னுமா இங்க நிக்குற ன்னு
நாய் கூட சிரிக்குது, என்ன பாத்து,
அட என்னடா இது, சரியான கூத்து !
நாள் முழுக்க சோறு எறங்கல,
படிச்சதும் மனசுல சுத்தமா ஏறல,
போன்.. நாள் முழுக்க அவ எடுக்கல,
நேத்து போனவள, நான் தடுக்கல,
மூணு நாளா சோறு தண்ணி இல்ல,
அட, உனக்கு என்ன தான் ஆச்சு புள்ள?
உனக்காக தானேடி இந்த உசுரு,
மத்ததேல்லாம் எனக்கு கொசுறு...
ஒரு வாரம் கழிச்சு, போன் அடிச்சுது,
மனசு பறக்க பறக்க, ஆசை கொதிச்சுது,
வேகமா ஓடி பொய், கதவுல இடிச்சு,
ரத்தம் சொட்ட, மெல்ல கால பிடிச்சு,
என்னடா கண்ணு ஆச்சு ன்னு கேட்டா,
ரொம்பவும் அழுதா, ஒப்பாரி பாட்டா,
மொத்தமா பத்து நிமிஷம் அழுது முடிச்சு,
மெல்ல மெல்ல அவளோட மூச்ச புடிச்சு,
ரொம்ப மெல்லமா, செல்லமா சொன்னா,
அவளோட நாய் செத்து போச்சுதாம் !
ஆசையாய், பொத்தி பொத்தி வளத்தாதாம்,
ஆறுதல் சொல்லி, செல்லமா பேசினேன்
ஸ்ஸ்ஸ்... அட என்ன கால்ல ஒரே எரிச்சல் ?
குணிஞ்சு பாத்தா அடி பட்டா எடத்துல,
அம்மா மருந்து போட்ட தால, நமச்சல்,
கட் பண்ணினேன்... செல் போன மட்டும் இல்ல ...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Chess ! ... Inspired
No one else around to play my part,
All I know is, I have that first move,
Every step is a win or a coin remove!
A small battlefield, with 32 players,
Every one of them is smart slayers,
You can run, but you just can’t hide,
Not the place to enjoy a horse ride!
Just one step forward, but no return,
No time for sympathy or one concern,
Black and white dots all over this field,
One wrong move, your fate’s sealed!
Knights always move diagonally across,
They’ve more freedom than the boss,
The elephants just can’t jump or run,
In real life, won’t it be too much fun?
The horse always takes L shaped leap,
No time to wink, or catch some sleep,
Hop, skip and jump, all over the board,
Ferrari’s symbol, not of the Henry Ford!
His highness has just, one step around,
Is it ‘cause he grew heavy by a pound?
The Queen is always fit, so very smart,
She is the apple of, Highnesses’ heart!
The game of chess defines every life,
Soldiers are kids, the queen your wife,
The former take small steps, to begin,
The latter glides your way to the win!
Give her more freedom, you will see,
How wonderful your life will turn to be,
Remember, she needs you by her side,
If the highness’s dies, game is all tied!
Knights are the friends, that you want,
Elephants, your heavier, uncle and aunt,
Horse is the first car that transports you,
Let’s battle chess, between me and you.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Black is beautiful…
That’s starts only after twelve and forty…
Every bit of a wine, whisky, vodka and rum..
No one really bothers to know where you from,
You hardly know anyone there, as you walk in,
Every man is busy with the ladies, not jus’ talkin’
You walk to the bar stool, and swing around,
Loud music, people dancing over stereo surround,
Not everyone is bold enough to get there,
Where everyone is , black, nor white, not so fair,
Two AM and you know you still love them all,
You ignore all those around, even phone call,
Salsa, contemporary, tango, drunken dance,
Everyone from America, Italy, china, and france,
Ladies night and too many girls walking past,
You have to be really smart and just so very fast,
She walks right past you, grabbing your hand,
The beast within that beauty, eyes a magic wand,
You can neither refuse, nor accept her deeds,
For fear for getting alcoholic or smoking the weeds,
She says, trust me and she is leading the way,
Well, summer is fantastic here in New York, May,
All those hidden inside the wool in winter,
Now, walking in the streets like a olympic sprinter,
Her eyes just so mesmerizing, hands so tight,
Clasped and aimlessly loitering, hopeless to fight,
Well, how does it matter, whether its day or night,
How does it matter, whether it’s wrong or right ?
That’s a spectacular lady, who is there with you,
You have no idea what to do, she’s the only clue,
She doesn’t ask for anything but just your time,
Except a shot of whiskey, dipped in a little bit of lime,
That is lying there on the table, next you and her,
Her face still glistening in that dark light, so very blur,
The eyes that will drown you in, the profile so neat,
You will even bend down and start kissing her feat,
Countless shots of drink, she is over you, so close,
You can smell now that perfume of jasmine and rose,
Just too close, that you can rub each other’s nose,
The shots you had taken, were just simply an overdose,
Countless seconds and you were lost in heaven,
When you finally woke up it was half past seven,
Friday and it was still a day to go, for the weekend,
You have lots of work to do, and emails to send,
You look around, rubbing your eyes, searching,
All that you can see are those real birds, perching,
On the leafless and lifeless trees in that summer,
All that you can hear is the roaring of the big hummer,
But, wait, something was missing, something wrong,
The light was there, and the night was just too long,
But you knew, you were swayed by a sweet song,
That breeze that embraced you, was there all along,
She wasn’t a storm, that will destroy, wipe or erase,
She was that breeze, who is gone without any trace,
I felt myself so heavier and my face all so very red,
Legs so painful, it was really hard to get out of the bed,
I got up, and went up to the windows for the view,
I saw in the distance, something that I just knew,
It smiled, waved, kissed, you can just recollect a few,
Hsshh, don’t tell anyone, keep this between me and you !
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Facebook Friends
I couldn’t wash off, and simply doff,
Friends and memories on FACEBOOK,
About their life and how they look,
You would find that idea so freaking,
What is the idea ? What am I seeking?
Well, how good would be to just see,
How these people in real life, will be,
Nick names, games, chatters, glamour,
Their styles, work, skills and grammar,
The clothes they wear, food they eat,
I told, are you ready so we can meet?
Was surprised by the responses, I got,
Some of them laughed, some forgot,
Are they really what they claim to be?
Said, I’ll pay to meet you, not for free!
Some refused, some agreed, over this,
Some scorned me, some saw an abyss,
Of what my big idea is, in asking that,
Some even refused to talk, or to chat !
278 friends, I had just two months ago,
List included even those people I know,
Now the list is just about 90 odd, oh yes,
I now know, who really cares, god bless !
Met a few of them, over the few weeks,
Smart, pretty, rude, arrogant, and geeks,
Lunch, Dinner, Movie and some for calls,
Some demanded clothes, I gifted dolls !
The list went dwindling down the drain,
Some really pretended, few were a pain,
After a few pay-off for lunch and money,
Well, I could afford only that all, honey!
5 weeks and done, with all my dreams,
I met a few, living a life on the extremes,
Agents, housewives, software and more,
Stayed one day, well, even women snore !
Back home, having a cup of tea in hand,
Living a life, so beautiful in foreign land,
Quite content now, yes, the list is fine,
The list is just a little bit over digit nine.
Warning, do not attempt this at home,
Even attempt doing it, keep your dome,
I don’t want to say what I went through,
But I liked to do it, between me and you.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Without having to at all, review,
Struggling to fight your Monday blue,
Well, no one here helps me with a clue,
Everyone here is absorbed in Nancy drew!
But, yeah., you can read on now,
Should I write about a chow chow ?
To keep you away from outlook inbox,
You are still thinking about the movie in Inox?
Or about the whiskey you had it on the rocks ?
Want to make this day start, better?
To someone you like, write a love letter,
Or even to the ones you miss, dad or mom,
Before, you even walk to your PM for a salaam.
Start your day with a real nice coffee,
Well, of course it just doesn’t come free,
CCD will be a best place, to grab one at this time,
If you feel it harder, you can grab ginger or lime,
Don’t think about spending for yourself, a crime.
A day that is well planned and begun,
Gets more brighter than the midday sun,
A positive day, beings with your positive note,
Do you really want me to send you a daily quote ?
Or do you want me send it with a good musical note ?
Remember that a positive anything is,
Better than a negative nothing, Oh, yes it is,
Every second of your life goes without a pause,
That’s exactly what he then told me, Santa Claus,
Only successes are remembered and not your flaws!
If you want to have a good, a better day,
Plan to do one thing good, well, start this May,
That when you get back to your sleep, every night,
You’ll sleep well, with just zero guilt feelings to fight,
No one but just YOU knows YOU very well,
You know your talents and skills, you can sell,
So, maintain your originality and that really helps,
At the end of this very week, when you get through,
Be a better man, and woman, between me and you !
Thursday, May 6, 2010
3 Years in Infy
It seemed like, I landed in heaven,
We met each other then the three of us,
When I entered this, very beautiful campus.
Ram, Sib and I, here today,
We sat across in Bldg 11, this May,
Ram, well, the silent killer of us three,
Sib, that chicken Biriyani killer on a spree,
Pradeep, the most serious one,
Who would even burn the hot sun,
Of course, me, the simplest one of all,
Spent all time on girls in that induction hall.
I kept signing all forms before me,
Not reading a word, ‘cause it was Infy,
I could see NRN flying all around my head,
He still remains my model, for my daily bread,
Three years it has been for us now,
Ram was married, Sib married to his love,
I, still on the lookout for my most ideal match,
Where are you girl, I am all ready for you to catch.
2 cycles of CRR X and one recession,
Inflexibility to 9.15, still a big obsession,
Well, that’s me alright, and that’s simply me,
This is what I am, how I always wanted me to be.
I believe in two things that last,
Work and God, that I pray with a fast,
That has sustained me so long, with a job,
I love myself big, even if they send me to Punjab.
I am much convinced now today,
That it didn’t help much, my degree,MCA,
It was me after all, than my degree I had got,
It is this life, a passion for me, is all that I sought.
So, wish me good luck and great life,
Wish me a big house and one smart wife,
Wish me that I’ve google so that I can write,
Wish that my PM likes me, so that, I need not fight!
Time will keep going on and on,
Everything will stay, even if I am gone,
Well, three long years and I am so through,
Well, I know the big story between me and you !
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Miss Independent
Leaving me,
Quiet and cold,
Alone on the road,
The times, we had been
All in love,
So much deep,
Could no longer keep,
You saw me, so wrong,
When I was
Walking with him,
And the light was so dim,
Did you, ever just think,
I would cry,
and will say,
Please, just stay,
When you are wrong,
You are so right,
you always thought,
I’ll never fight,
Good that, I am done,
Have to go,
I don’t know,
I won’t lie just low,
Man, you, were fine
First time, you
proposed to me,
On your knee,
After, the break up,
You just come,
Just to kiss,
Say, I’m sorry Miss
Don’t ever, change,
Your mind,
Like us, girls,
Changing our curls,
When you are wrong,
You are so right,
you always thought,
I’ll never fight,
So, let me, go now,
in my peace..
stay alive,
just take five !
With you, I couldn’t live,
You could ne’er
ever stay,
with me, everday,
So, don’t lie, or just cry,
Love’s no flattery,
It’s all now
A dead battery,
I’ll go and live my life,
You live yours,
Move on now,
There’s no love,
Life to us, must go on,
For that love,
Was true,
between me and you.
Quit on a Monday
I wish I had the guts to quit on a Monday,
I always think I should do it, this very day,
How much ever I try, it just won’t occur,
I have been used to being one big sucker.
I wish I had the guts to quit on a Monday,
I always wanted to do it without a delay,
How much ever I try, I just cannot do that,
I have to live in this world, that’s just flat.
I wish I had the guts to quit on a Monday,
I wish I can go out there and play, but hey,
How much every I try, it just won’t get to,
What I might really, and strangely get into.
I wish I had the guts to quit on a Monday,
I wish I can do it, this third day of this May,
How much ever I try, I don’t have it in me,
This was not how, I originally used to be.
I wish I had the guts to quit on a Monday,
For all that I value in me, all that I weigh,
How much ever I try, I don’t have it in me,
Even if I had crossed in years, silver jubilee.
I wish I had the guts to quit on a Monday,
That I get sometime, to actually sit & pray,
How much ever I try, there is no way out,
Because, I do all things without any doubt.
I wish I had the guts to quit on a Monday,
That I can sit quiet or calm and stay away,
How much ever I try, I can’t do it myself,
I cannot even rest on this memory shelf.
I wish I had the guts to quit on a Monday,
I really think I should, after every Sunday,
How much ever I try, it won’t let me idle,
I wish they really pick me for Indian Idol !
I wish I had the guts to quit on a Monday,
And I wish I can start writing some essay,
How much ever I try, it has to be like this,
It remains as good as my, lost love’s kiss.
I wish I had the guts to quit on a Monday,
What did you think, I was trying hard to say,
Was talking about NOT writing in one week,
Was luring you in the name of hide and seek.
So, consider yourself lucky to have one job,
I see here those who kill for dimes and rob,
Never ever complain, about all that you do,
Be happy young one, between me and you.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
missing you...
Sitting here in this restaurant lawn,
People that came in early, they are just gone,
Whatever it is that is served on this big veg platter,
Not sure if it is really something edible or one big disaster,
I miss all that we used to have together,
The time when we both had tea in bad weather,
Running together in that thunder and rain all around,
Sitting and hugging each other, loud music in stereo surround,
I see all around me, couple, joking, laughing,
I even still see people around smokin’ and coughing,
Only a few couple here around, enjoying their evening,
All I have here is a cart load of memories, that’s all I could bring,
I felt like being on top of the world with you,
I don’t even have that picture of you that I nicely drew,
Should I withdraw and go back, to see you single this night,
I’d rather have wished, that we never fought, had I set things right,
All alone here, they nod in agreement, the tulips,
I wish you’d rather had me lashed, cursed between the lips,
Without leaving me that very evening, this night that very day,
How does it matter to me, where it was in June, or April or in May ?
You are not here and I am seeing you all here,
This loneliness that I am experiencing is that I had to fear,
That made me jump up and down, crazy and mad, screaming,
That I thought you were out with someone else, and I was dreaming,
Imagined things that never happened, that did not,
You kept me happy and I just did it not do it well, my part,
Now you are gone, all I see is you flying and walking next to me,
Smiling at me, making me realize all those blunders, not setting me free,
I keep walking in this street, and I see all the lights,
Couldn’t help watching those men and wife, busy in fights,
That little boy in the street, trying to attract his mom’s attention,
That she will buy him toys, well, the unperturbed Dad, not to mention,
That little girl playing with her pink frock, that is new,
She wasn’t bothered about anyone around, not there were few,
I see him and her, she on his shoulder and he slides his hand on her face,
Love I see all around, I know it is just doesn’t matter, whatever may be the race,
Both of us then, were mad for nothing, just nothing,
The reason why we fought for, we forgot and started abusing,
It never should have ended that way, because you meant so much to me,
You turned me and made me really that somebody, I just really wanted to be,
I am here, you there and no longer with one another,
I just can’t see another woman, next to me, a wife, a good mother,
Almost back to my place now, the 34 floor apartment here, few lights on,
Everyone one of the soul here, will go back to dreams and sleep, will be gone,
When times were good, I didn’t see what was true,
Just me and my words here struggling, I pray they reach you
Someday that you come to know, I was lost and was waiting so long,
And that I realized much later, that I was the one who was so very wrong,
I wish you were here with me, warm and tender
I wish you give me just one chance, that I can really surrender,
I wish I could go back and turn things right then and there for us all,
I wish there really happened one miracle between us, so you pick my call,
This one day, has been the loneliest time of my life,
This day that’s every other single day, had I deferred the strife,
This day, I had your birthday cake ready here, candles ready to blow,
I watched them all go down, with you not around; they still went onto glow,
These lines from me here are just over long and overdue,
I wish I could end this time just the way I want, between me and you………
IPL3T20 Finals
Not even sure if I at all, planned to write,
On IPL3 today, on a terrible fight night,
I lost & won, it ain’t all about the ticket,
So, let’s talk about a game, this Cricket.
Winning the toss, is such a sentiment,
Dhoni planned it all, and then he sent,
His best men, known for batting right,
He knows who can put up better fight!
The last 5 overs did, so much to game,
The score led them into The Hall of fame,
Highest in all the IPL Finals so far,it is,
They did earn my respect, and my kiss !
The match was almost neck to neck,
Pollard NOT IN.., F! err, what the heck,
You want me to cite a stronger quote,
Let me not be so cruel, on that note!
Was all RAINa, pouring cats & dogs,
Wickets tumbled like jumping frogs,
The master blaster once again, fails?
The MI Team, losing control & trails.
The God f cricket, did his part so well,
Everyone has to play, it was the sell,
But, why did Pollard come in so late?
Was it planned, or was he on a date?
Just said, CSK- ChoSen to be Kings,
Mission Impossible team sadly sings,
Now, let’s not get into some details,
For, the purpose of my write up fails!
Let’s all learn to love this game today,
For we will forget all of these in May,
Just relax, for all the joy of this game,
Someone makes money, in his name!
New Heroes born, after this winning,
Betting and Setting , still one sinning,
We are just the audience, just unaware,
If you were a part of that, just beware!
But, this will be forgotten next week,
Matches next week, will not be bleak,
The game will go on, as someone drew,
We don’t’ have one clue, me and you !
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The Longest Week...
When we’re in it, there was so much fun,
That love that just knocked me down,
I tried ne’er to get up, I let myself drown,
I dreamed of you in a wedding gown,
This isn’t supposed to be this way,
I felt we’re going to get married in May,
We planned honeymoon in azizi,
I just couldn’t hold you, you so greasy,
Like a fish, you slipped and said take it easy,
All good times and all that smile,
That long drive, you came all that mile,
Was I the one, who stayed so weak here,
Or did I have in mind some kind of fears,
I never expected all this to end in big tears.
Love comes once, just one time…
Makes you commit all the crime,
Blinds your head and mind hard...
Ne’er be there to get that Red Card!
Girl, it was easy for you, to walk away,
You said we can’t move on, so easy to say,
It was me, living all that life together with you,
Never released you not picking calls, were a clue,
But all that I said, and all that I swore, were true.
Sleepless nights and days without food,
You and I, together would have been so good,
I felt like god, flying with angel wings, so high,
Until you, pretty little bullet that shot me out the sky,
I came down like crashing, it felt good, oh my my,
Never thought we’d have been so deep,
In love and hate, that we would sit and weep,
The bullet of love, that you shot in my heart,
I ne’er could keep it, out, did I wish to take it ?
Love comes just once, one time…
Makes you commit all the crime,
Blinds your head and mind hard…
Ne’er be there to get that Red card!
We had it with us, we almost had,
I don’t want to talk about, who made it bad,
And we are no longer, one good man and wife,
‘cause you pulled it out, the bullet with a knife,
You ne’er asked if it hurt, am dying in half-life,
I spent all my time on our house and kids,
Ne’er thought you’d consider best of the bids,
I know you would be flying too far in some days,
I always ran slower and just let you win the race,
Was hard to take you say, keep away from my face,
I am back to where I started, my start line,
How do I start, which way do I go, I need some sign,
In this game of snake and love, both let me decline,
When I stayed so that we start something new,
When I always ended, as between me and you…..
Love came once, just one time
Made me commit all the crime,
Blinded my head and mind hard,
Well, I had to take the RED card!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Quitting Company?
I miss everyone of those girl and boy,
All those Narcissus and Helen of Troy,
That which decided, I’ve to move on,
No one will bother, when I am gone,
I miss you all, my dear brother, sister,
‘You’ve no idea what went thru mister’,
I can hear you say that loud and clear,
This step that you took without a fear,
I ain’t stopping you from leaving now,
You can leave this work, for your love,
Just take one thing very clear on mind,
Some things are so hard to go and find,
I have quit companies for few reasons,
This has happened across the seasons,
But, stay clear on what you really want,
After quitting, just don’t let that haunt,
Life and Money is about the smart game,
Add everything tomorrow,in your name,
It just adds to ONE, not a decimal more,
This game ne’er gives a satisfying score!
Don’t sell yourself for all those money,
You are worth more, Trust me, Honey,
Don’t let money decide what YOU are,
When you realize you would be so far!
Every company and job that you chose,
That new salary with a hike just glows,
But, it is all just a matter of some time,
Again don’t say, why not more dime?!!
And then he complains and hops over,
Manager like a villain, gulshan grover,
Hari Sadu, Hitler, Musolini, or a joker,
Working for a job, that’s so mediocre ?
My gentle request, don’t take it hard,
Life’s is not that bad, to live so scarred,
This company is a dream of good team,
Rests on values of leaders, so supreme.
Every system fails that day, whenever,
The leader has less time, or has never,
Paid his attention to the screams loud,
He was gone forgotten being so proud.
Chase your dreams, but have the vision,
There is no rewind in the life’s mission !
Quit, but think million times as you do,
Be a thinker, just between me and you.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Love., Genesis., Genetics
Boy []
I have to tell her today, and it’s been a while,
I can’t always look at her and fake one smile,
Should I tell her today, or tell her tomorrow,
Should I get my new bike, car or just borrow ?
He’s so damn cute and crazy and I so like him,
He’s up so tight in his pants, groomed, so trim,
But, why won’t he walk up to me, and just say,
That he likes me, loves me, and why not today ?
I can still see her walking, from where I just sit,
I love her, and so much I do, but how do say it ?
She is not my first, so how do I know I love her?
She might knock me down, or say excuse me sir !
Guy, don’t keep staring, just say it now, just now,
All you have to do is just hold one time, and bow,
You are not my first, and I just know how it goes,
Didn’t you guys know, things change over a rose ?
Should I buy her some gift or just give her 3 roses,
God, is this a sin committed, help me dear Moses,
Love is what that goes around, and comes around,
That keeps you on cloud nine, high above ground.
When will he know, that I’ve been long in this race,
He doesn’t even know I’ve only won that, first place,
But, I still would love to run along, slow down along,
Boys can’t handle the truth, I can’t correct all wrong,
Just for this once girl, can you approach me or talk ?
And give me a start, that I can ask you out for a walk,
Why should the heavier start be always be with boys,
I am not sure, if they fall for bikes, walks, Rolls Royce!
I can see that he’s staring, wondering what am thinking,
He can’t take his eyes away, even when I am blinking,
I can only laugh to myself, Boy, just get out, ask me out,
I wonder what he’s looking at in me, am still in doubt,
No, keep your eyes firm and look at her into her face,
You can’t let this dream die down now, in all the days,
Today is the day, I have to tell her, let me ask her, yes,
Hopefully, she replies too courteously, God, just bless,
Ha, finally he is making that move, now let me pretend,
That I am working on something, let me just lean, bend,
Oh, I can finally hear him walking, loud and now closer,
Should I open my work area, or just internet browser ?
Wait, I can’t do this now, what If she behaves real odd,
What if she thinks am just an $@@#$, calls me a fraud,
This is my second, and it was easy when it was first time,
All I had to do then was, tell her to read my small rhyme,
Oh No, not again, he is not going to make it today again,
These idiots don’t think twice, while playing Max Payne !
Why can’t they even realize, that it is like a roller-coaster,
It only takes guts to go in, once in, you are on fame poster.
Hi, Can I borrow your pen for a second, I can’t find mine,
I had so many of them in desk, can’t find one, I had nine!
Well, she smiles now and hands me over a ball point pen,
I peeped into her desk, it looks like she has more, like ten,
Ok, there it goes, boys.. never can make it the easier way,
It never has happened in the past, or in future, or today ?
Why do they make their conclusions, the bond for linking,
Can’t they JUST DO THEIR PART, let me do the thinking ??
Well, it’s now or never, so I have to pull up some courage,
Let me write her name here, and get away from this page,
When I return her pen back to her, let me go ahead ask,
I have to be bold and tear off this fear, wearing as mask,
The final moment……
Boy [] Hei, here it is, would you like to go out for a coffee ?
Girl[] Well, will it offend you, if I say I just always have tea ?
Boy[] err…all I want to tell you is, it is so nice to talk to you,
Girl[] Just shut up and say that you love me..idiot….
and be the first one to say it, between me and you ..!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Breakup - Reset
Neither did he, during the first kiss,
She walks away that girl, his own,
And they were quite well known,
That small table in a remote corner,
That soft music from James Horner,
None noticed the half glass of wine,
To say, that nothing went very fine,
15 minutes before, I saw them talk,
Anyone could make out, it was sad,
All things start with a coffee or walk,
Now, I see him gone way too mad,
He asked, Does he make you laugh,
She said, He doesn’t make me cry,
She went away, his nice better half,
He didn’t stop her, didn’t even try,
He sat there, as she walked away,
Few eyes turned to see, in unison,
Why didn’t he just ask her to stay?
One breakup story has just begun?
Well, a scotch in my hand, so neat,
I saw her turn around, as she left,
She simply was gone in the street,
He lay with his hands, badly wept,
He did not rise, and I could see it,
Few drops of tears down on floor,
I doubted if he will take that split,
When I just saw it open, the door,
She walked in again, pale and dry,
The candle was out, the wine still,
Did she come to say last goodbye,
Did she come to get her Veg grill ?
There was one big silence, which
Could be heard, by me and rest,
Who felt the existence of a hitch,
What she did next, was just best,
She stood and shouted his name,
“ Are you listening to me Mr. Bill ?”,
She cleared her throat, that dame,
“ Will you stay, promise you will “,
Love all around, very well spread,
That can bring alive, all that dead,
Scotch gulped, my spectacular view,
I saw it happen, between me and you.
Genesis - Adam and Eve
What if Adam and Eve hadn’t met
Each other, in the beginning here
On Earth, and not ready or had set;
What if Eve had had all those fear,
Had refused to go out with Adam,
Thinking he was a pervert and sick,
He would smirk her as one Madam,
That he had others that he’d pick,
Good that she did not refuse dating,
Like women today, who doubt men
And boys, who stay all day, waiting,
Busted, but still do it over and again,
What if Eve had good ideas then of
Better career options, and had left
Adam behind, like one bitter half,
With heart, not lost due to a theft,
What if Adam had began cheating
Eve then, and had stayed in office,
Lied to her, on one board meeting,
What if, she never did have to hiss,
And refused to cook, or stay up late,
Until Adam arrives back from work,
He went with cute girls on one date,
That she never called him, big jerk,
And continued to love him all along
So he realized his folly, and stayed
With her forever, being so wrong,
And he loved her, ne’er betrayed,
What if Eve had met another man,
While on her way to the big shop,
She fell, and was somebody’s fan,
What if she were hit by some mop,
Adam was not there, for her help,
He was busy at work, with abacus,
What if no one heard her big yelp,
What if she didn’t make it a fuss,
There are so many, what IFs, BUTs
But fact remains that Adam & Eve,
Were deeply in love, so were nuts
About each other, will ne’er leave
Not that they didn’t have a choice,
But they choose to love and let live,
Stayed together long, and rejoice,
To tell us today, that love is to give.
Too confusing to consider all these?
But, we have come all way through,
I wish ignorance all was a good bliss,
Love is the key, between me and you.
Get Inspired.
Than a negative nothing; well, I think
It is true to every word and the letter,
Let that in your heart deep, let it sink,
Over and above all of your frustration,
On CRR, Appraisal and some feedback,
Go Help yourself, get some inspiration,
If you get weaker, you are under attack.
So many of those bees reading to sting,
So many there around who want to rise,
Everyone wants to be treated as a king,
But no one wants to pay for it, the price,
I can tell you the secrets to go up there,
If you have the time and patience for it,
It’s not about building a castle in the air,
Relax and breathe slowly, think, just sit,
The three things are really so important,
Patience, Sanity and some common sense,
Patience when I say, that’s not one stunt,
Passive means you’re lazy on self defense.
Sanity, what you need to keep stronger,
While on call, in discussion, in conf rooms,
If you cannot take those words any longer,
Laugh, kick much as you can, in rest rooms.
When you come back, you will feel lighter,
Before you type anything, read it through,
You would have returned calm and brighter,
And you realize every man’s point of view.
Lest you might be mistaken for some jerk,
Think about what effects it will later bring,
A little bit of common sense, during work,
Think before you type and say something.
Always remember there are two sides for
Any argument, your way, his way and that
RIGHT way, for all’s fair in love and in war,
You don’t get anything, being a tough brat,
Your priority should be you, your growth,
Don’t spend time on those whose future,
You cannot control, so take that good oath,
Thread this as harder, as surgeon’s suture!
Have they worked for you, you might ask me,
I have been out meeting people in the years,
I’ve worked 7 years, since I was twenty three,
Working my way through the wedding fears!
Wishing you my kind of life and the success,
It’s okay to lose as many times as we succeed,
Life’s all about seeing some bit of a progress,
Be the rat’s head, not one lion’s good old tail.
Wishing you a lovely and great week ahead,
To succeed, struggles you have to go through,
So be the one to lead, don’t prefer being led,
I know you can do better, between me and you.
Friday, April 2, 2010
I am here alone, and through all pain,
You will realize all that am saying when,
The moment you stopped being sane,
Its been six years and I really miss her,
There has been no turning till this time,
Not until I heard, “ Do excuse me, sir”,
I moved away and noticed my ex prime,
The one for which, I had breathed life,
The one who changed everthing in me,
The one who claimed would be my wife,
The one who swore will ne’er disagree,
I lost her, my better half, in a fit of rage,
Just because, she was out with a friend,
Never showed maturity for my own age,
When I felt falling in love was one trend,
I saw her today here, with her only son,
She looked back at me, slightly confused,
When both knew nothing can be undone,
Where I was the only one to be accused,
Just a ‘Hi’ is all that I got as a reply then,
7 years now, and you will be blown away,
So stay calm and patience, my dear men,
Keep all that faith, love alive, don’t slay,
What’s lost is lost, will remain really gone,
Use your head more than…… young man,
Sorry, I meant your heart, now don’t yawn,
Don’t always sit right on retirement plan,
I spent five minutes with her, so precious,
That’s the best I could, with her son crying,
For food and she had to go, less to discuss,
She leaves me there, with tears, so dying,
I stood there, as she walked with her son,
That pretty lady, I had loved, only loved,
For my act of stupidity, on November one,
I am paying the price, gone my beloved,
She turned around once, to give me a smile,
I realized in love,she had gone past a mile,
Noticed her son’s hand, waving a good bye,
There she leaves me , with one big sigh,
New York ! City of dreams, just dreams,
Heavy rain, breeze that was so untrue,
My heart out with loud and big screams,
Do keep your love, between me and you.
Dil Chahtai Hai
You cannot find another grand movie,
I just don’t mind if you find another one,
But, these are my versions and stories,
Doesn’t really matter if you really care,
Words you can say, lines you can write,
Recollect today when you got to a fight,
But, if you stand away and spend time,
Just forget this poem and some rhyme,
You see Sid, Sameer and Akash around,
All those who played in college ground,
All of us now busy with everyday work,
Most of the fun, forgotten for one perk,
Sid, you are and you have all that talent,
Why feel shy to love some older woman,
Is it so wrong to be a good , nice gallant ?
Ya’ can still remain a good Mother’s son!
Sameer, you have that charm and spirit,
You love doing and explore all you want,
Of course you will be loved for your wit,
You can tell all that you do, to your aunt,
Akash, this is yet another funny man here,
He is that person you see, making all fun,
Who lives a splendid life that’s so premier,
Who will get normal like us, in the long run,
Shalini, sincere and loyal lady, I see you there,
Pooja, my pretty lady, you took so very long,
Girls like them are not hard to find, I swear,
Give your sincere love, they will come along,
Women rule, are there any second words ?
Did you notice that, hinted indirectly to us?
We have to get in line, my talented nerds,
That’s nature, now shed your go, don’t fuss,
Stronger ones are always shown as weaker,
Don’t ask why, its innate, we cannot help it,
Even if you are a god, or a pleasure seeker,
You have no choice, but gotta simply admit,
Moral of the story ? Ego, just throw it away,
Go back and find your friends, you cursed,
Don’t wait for tomorrow, do it now, today,
Give your original, not the one rehearsed,
Recollect that, there is not one happy ending,
But do your part, even if there’s no benefit,
Don’t kill your life, or leave anything pending,
It is never too late, so don’t soil and don’t sit,
You are Sameer, Sid and Akash, all through,
It is not something masculine, ladies, to you,
This isn’t gender specific, does apply to you,
Don’t lose in life, keep it between me and you.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
A Rose is a Rose.. is a Rose..
I just couldn’t avoid looking at her,
So very pretty, playing with her hair,
As if in turmoil, as if now, in one stir,
Her cell phone ringing, loud enough,
She wouldn’t pick, but just stare at,
Should I mind my own personal stuff,
I did hear her sobs, from where I sat,
It was very disturbing and unbearable,
Should I walk up to her now, or sit here,
Did something happen, just so terrible,
What if she bursts out then, which I fear,
A neat red skirt and the top, so bright,
Expensive handbag and a gold watch,
That glistened in that starry dark night,
She might kick, me loaded on scotch,
Her pale lips wouldn’t let a word slip,
The phone still rings, she won’t pick,
Smoke almost nearing that filter tip,
Drop it lady, do it now, be very quick,
The blood ridden, dark red fingernails,
The pink cheek, that turned even red,
Her appearance, did give me details,
Did you guess it, from what was said?
I still don’t have the courage to talk,
Of course, am an alien here, for a perk,
I can’t even ask her out, for one walk,
I didn’t want her to think of me, a jerk,
The bible next to her, flipped the pages,
That surprised me, as I continued staring,
One book that survived all the dark ages,
Others looked at, what she was wearing,
He came over and slapped her too hard,
Twisted both her hands, she screamed,
I looked around, tried to find one guard,
I didn’t expect it, I hadn’t even dreamed,
She was now crying aloud, in despair,
Everyone watched them, not moving,
As if they were aware of such an affair,
Whatever this cruel big beast was doing,
The struggle and fight lasted sometime,
Things falling from her bag, well strewn,
Lip sticks, eye liners, pins and few dime,
Brightly shown on that good full moon,
A cop came in now, dragged him along,
She was pleading to leave him, and crying,
She was acting strange, what was wrong ?
The cop left the place, warning.., sighing,
She lifted him over, all blood on his nose,
She wiped all that, hugged him, to hold,
Can you alter the sweet nature of a rose?
Women are women, all from one mould!
I just sat there, wondering if it was worth,
Why would women be warm, I’ve no clue,
Was it programmed in them from the birth,
Only they can answer, to convince me and you.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
I hate this HIKE !
Every year this comes and goes,
Whether you support or oppose,
Some complain that it is so bad,
This drives everyone really mad,
This is a regular topic all in April,
Some in harmony, but most yell,
They say, it’s just nothing to take,
No mercy for us, for Christ’s sake,
The walk and talk is about a rise,
People curse loud up to the skies,
Some blame god, some, so quiet,
So think about balancing the diet,
But, the media blows it so much,
They lose it, that common touch,
April, this is the talk of the town,
He feels like being one big clown,
Is it just me or everyone feels so,
It’s at times high, or just very low,
It really does decide all weddings,
It even decides, all your beddings,
Once it’s announced, you’re crazy,
You decide why work, I’ll act lazy,
You think then, is it really just me,
Or is this with all, in Bangalore city,
Is it okay to ask her, how she felt,
He hissed to kick, below the belt,
Oops, now that’s so wild, I get it,
I won’t go now, he says, I will quit,
I tried hard to explain him, well,
He said he feels like being in hell,
I said, it happens, Dude, for us all,
He felt so sick in his intestine wall,
Well, that’s what he said, for real,
I told him stop being just, unreal,
But, you’ll forget it over the time,
It’s all easy to say using this rhyme,
Huh ? There is some confusion here,
Well, let me make it just very clear,
I was lamenting all this while only on,
The SUMMER that has come upon,
Even his girl friend says stay away,
Let’s see if events vary, after May,
Felt so bad for him, I really mean it,
I promised to quote this, in NameIT!
Steep fall and hike in mercury scale,
Was all I was addressing, in my tale,
I don’t think I was hinting anything,
I am praying for good, for a SPRING!
Isn’t it APRIL, when summer begins,
It sweats for, even the Gemini twins,
I did not talk about anything so blue,
I gave no clue, between me and you !
Sunday, March 21, 2010
In Times of Failure....
The one time you start chasing your dream,
Self-respect which you consider supreme,
You realize it is hard to live the right way,
Fight for what is right and good, everyday,
Truth, what the ones above you, fails to see,
Struggle to keep calm to a tolerable degree,
But, being weak you really tend to burst out,
With practically very less knowledge about,
What is reality and what will keep you long,
It is not just a big poem, some inspiring song,
You’ve to swim your way through the gutter,
To earn for yourself, some bread and butter,
Is it so hard, my dear friend, to be honest,
This is just another painful, a stressful test,
But, you cannot live it, the way they want,
Even if fear surrounds, don’t let them haunt,
Tell yourself, all is well; all is just too well,
Keep your head above, in heaven or in hell,
Don’t let yourself down today, deep inside,
Even if you were disregarded or cast aside,
You are what you are, and you are that one,
Never ever give up, in your miles’ long run,
The only thing should you ever get to chase,
No one will help; you have to run your race,
This is not one relay race to pass the baton,
It is your HOPE you are holding, so hop on,
Grip that harder, every single step you take,
Don’t loosen it or let it go, even by mistake,
Do not change your own self, for anything,
Future, your opponent, in that wrestling ring,
Audience all around you, wooing and booing,
There is just one chance, there is no redoing,
Live your life right, this very moment today,
Because this is your very own game, go play,
When you have run all those miles, look back,
Everything that’s history, leaves a bad track,
Past is one vanishing step, you leave behind,
Choose every step ahead , that you can find,
Be the right one, you need not repent later,
Don’t sit and cry, for being your own traitor,
Everything I told you, is just for me my dear ?
Pass it on to everyone who are far and near,
Why am I saying this ? I know you’ve no clue,
I wish, I were smarter, between me and you,
Saturday, March 13, 2010
When I don’t have a clue,
But, I can try that out,
Leave no place for doubt,
The darker side is me,
Its so not difficult to be,
Still balancing the sanity,
With abundance vanity,
There is one road I know,
To none I really bow,
Another egoistic leo here,
Closed spaces I do fear,
But, there is one thing,
Flowers, smile I can bring,
Loser in first impression,
Not all here, my confession,
Can make your head spin,
Betrayal, to me, a big sin,
Well, I sure must tell you,
You will like me, my love,
just between me and you.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Good Morning., Bangalore
Am sitting here, quietly yawning,
I can see you, agreeing on that,
Even if I say now, the world’s flat,
Welcome this week, with all smiles,
Start arranging your desktop files,
Time to get busy, do some work,
Give no time, for even one smirk,
I know it’s hard, these Mondays,
But no one wants, if it’s all Sundays,
Change is permanent, my dear,
Work is god, so just don’t fear,
They say this one line, just clear,
Every challenge, far and near,
Is some opportunity in disguise,
So do smart work, be really nice,
Just trying to keep your spirits up,
Grab CCDs black coffee, in one cup,
Every day has to be one big mystery,
There is no point, talking of history,
What is said and done, is all done,
What you can do is, just have fun,
Laugh over all your blunders now,
Do it your way, just don’t ask how,
Every day that you see, is a mystery,
No one cares after 12th , about history,
Just doesn’t matter, if Emperor wins,
In no way, does it really wash our sins,
Don’t manifest your darkest fears,
Forget them over a couple of beers,
This is a world of winners and sinners,
Just go and have dates and dinners,
Be positive, stay calm and do your job,
Don’t be revolting and be another mob,
More things get done, out of silence,
Nothing is ever achieved with violence,
That doesn’t mean you practice lies,
I never said you should always be nice,
Play a game, when you know the rules,
This they don’t teach, in our schools,
You got to be smart, to go to the top,
Never, ever give up, never ever stop,
Patience, trust me, is truly is a virtue,
Again, I end this as, between me and you !
In response to a LOST Love !
Do you have time then, take your seat,
There is no such thing as one lost love,
She missed you so much, ask her how,
He has lost a love, and it was very dear,
she stays here in his city, just very near,
He saw her son today, he felt just glad,
Here I am, all love letters on a notepad,
You have to stand up, and just not fall,
Show her you can smile, in front of her,
Tell her,
"She made you stronger, than you were! "
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
What to do ?
What to do ?
Is it wrong to be true?
Everyone has this problem,
Regardless of where we are from!
What to do ?
Just not even a clue,
How do I tell her am for real,
That we are a good match, so ideal!
What to do ?
Should wear blue ?
Or any other color to impress,
This is harder than a game of chess!
What to do ?
Am in a big queue,
For that dame very pretty,
Will she look at me, and take pity!
What to do ?
I wish she just knew,
That I do love and adore her,
Of course, until I see her pretty sister!
What to do ?
Should I pursue?
Or simply quit, and brood,
Or be bold, walk up to her, be a dude !
What to do ?
It’s long overdue,
Should I tell her today ?
Or tomorrow without much delay !
What to do ?
Far better is ICU,
But, what if she screams,
And shatters all of my sweet dreams!
What to do ?
Will I get through?
You suspect, she will be taken,
And then you will be left totally shaken !
One final word from me,
You have to be honest, you see,
Do YOUR part, which is, all you want,
LET HER DECIDE then, don’t let her haunt,
Don’t make your own judgment,
In Hopes and Faith, don’t carry a dent,
It takes guts and nuts, for a MAN to be true,
So, do it first, before I do, between me and you!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Past and Passion
All about the future and pasts,
Something that is within us,
Which we rarely ever discuss,
Many of us want it that way,
Often we hear people say,
How I wish I really followed,
I let it die and simple erode,
But when time comes after,
Not much left of big laughter,
It then rings the bell to show,
You wish life moved so slow,
Many a time you go against,
For small pleasures, sensed,
For the paper and plastics life,
You overlook even your wife,
A big chase simple continues,
Well, it was given to choose,
You chose the others to win,
Get it all, even if you then sin,
Days fly, months cry, years die,
You sit there, and simply sigh,
You think and think, over it,
You wish you really did quit,
Keeping aside all that you love,
No conscience for one above,
Forgetting all your dear ones,
No time for daughters, sons,
Glaring now at some lost past,
You see, it has moved so fast,
Well, you just can’t revert life,
There is no life without a strife,
Longing for that rewind click,
And not messed with a chick,
Kept your life clean and neat,
Wished you had been sweet,
So, don’t drive life for money,
Choose your passion, honey,
Do all that you love, be true,
Be smart, between me and you.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Bee in Bus
A Bee entered into the bus?
Is that all enough for a fuss?
So many talks about it now,
Is it for some nature’s love ?
Or was it that Bumble Bee ?
You're scared from your knee,
May be it wanted some fun,
It might go, after all’s done,
It wanted to see pretty faces?
Beyond religion, caste, races?
Or was it really glaring at you ?
Okay, so you don’t have a clue!
So many pretty girls around,
Buzzing with stereo surround,
Do just lend your ears for once,
They are as quiet as some nuns,
Strange you love their nector,
Collected from many a sector,
If you love that sweet honey,
My lines won't sound so funny,
Spare your phones and listen,
Nature will smile and glisten,
Stay away from phone for a day,
You can try in april or in May !
Prettier things do hurt more,
Harder to find, so never ignore,
No point running away from it,
Do pay attention, don’t quit,
May be it was in love with you,
Am sure you didn’t get the clue,
Just ask the Bee, if you want to,
First flight, or is that your debut ?
May be it had lost its own way,
But, it sure did make your day,
Was it looking for a big love too ?
Like the one between me and you!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Bangalore Expressway - A Boon ?
Which might not affect a few, never,
Not a very safe and consoling option,
Handle it with care, like an adoption.
I don’t see it safe for the two wheelers,
Nor will it benefit car and truck dealers,
Should not be suggested for slow bikers,
They occupy one full lane, like the hikers.
Buses just have that enough space to go,
Others must have to just go a bit too slow,
Cars really have to stick to speed below sixty,
LAY BYE is not for music, songs, and party!
Will it really serve the purpose truly, will it?
Autos, bikes will they stop them or permit,
Its saves just about 15 minutes of all time,
Just ‘cause Bangalore traffic were big crime.
But it still does not solve that big bottleneck,
Drivers still say, I reached, but what the heck?
Silk Board, still the same, to go left and right,
BTM and HSR Layout, traffic is still very tight!
All our joys, will vanish after this month end,
Will you pay extra, for that time, to spend?
I think I will love the big traffic for my safety,
Will be glad to have vendors for snacks, tea!
The expressway, might just be a big wonder,
But, I prefer safety more, will just fly under,
If I must impress just my ladies, may be yes,
Spend more time with her on road, just us.
The expressway, is just not one inch wider,
For the safety of two wheelers and its rider,
One bus, locked in the middle of each lane,
You will wonder, Is this is one boon or a bane?
May be you feel, am way too pessimistic,
Did you read my earlier note, so realistic?
I am just like that tiny needle in one balance,
Just another man, normal, with non-chalance !
Be blessed, and enjoy that mist and a fog,
Not one will sleep in the bus now, like one log,
Just watch that lovely sight, with the sky so blue,
We built it all with our money, me and you.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Expressway in Bangalore
Friends, Romans and country (wo) men,
Hear he, Hear he., all, it’s well over ten,
The elevated expressway is finally here,
That makes Silk board, E-City very near,
Expressway, free rides until month end,
This flyover has not got any hairpin bend,
Just another week, until she’s got to pay,
Let me pay some fine, for speeding today.
I understand the safety, more than thrills,
I know speeding thrills but sometimes kills,
Having spent hours, hours over the years,
Just cursing the bad roads, over the beers,
I really loved this skyway, with less traffic,
Marvel on Hosur road, quite photographic,
Every man and woman, would love it all,
To speed, set a record, boast, and recall.
Went on that expressway, before the toll,
The road so good now, without some hole,
I love everyone, just like I love my dear life,
It’s got a parking place, just take YOUR wife.
I’m worried about the plants in that divider,
In days, will become the home of a spider,
I’ve seen several flyovers began so grand,
Never watered later, as they had planned.
If all they want is to go a max in the eighties,
For fear of more life loss, more than Haiti’s,
As long as you love nature and lives today,
Just do it once, just once and not every day.
The expressway hopefully will remain good,
Good maintenance, strong, well… it should,
Would help protect trees, plants if I have to,
If you co-operate that makes it one to two!
Well, let’s make sure; we abide by the rule,
I promise, I’d not race again, won’t act cool,
Everyone needs the little whack, to be nicer,
It’s better to be alive, healthy, remain wiser.
But, sure do travel, on that big expressway,
Do it before month end without any delay,
Hehe.. small cars, bikes are for trials, is a clue,
Care for a ride today? Just me…. and you!