Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A World without Boys and Girls

Imagine a world without the boys,
They cannot make up for it, the toys,
Imagine a world without the girls,
What good are the deep buried pearls?

Imagine a world without the boys,
Would you ever think of a Rolls Royce?
Imagine a world without the girls,
What would be the world, without curls?

Imagine a world without the boys,
Will you prefer silence than to noise?
Imagine a world without the girls,
How will the world with them twirl?

Imagine a world without the boys,
Every ship would sink without Ahoys!
Imagine a world without the girls,
No program would run, even on Perl’s!

Imagine a world without the boys,
That every IT company badly employs,
Imagine a world without the girls,
What good is the world void blue curls,

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